Sunday, January 10, 2016

Whole 30: round 2

I completed a whole30 a little over a year ago with my family. I had a very different response to the rigorous 30 day eating plan than they did. Though it is difficult to do it has great benefits!

My poor body has been crying for some TLC. I have enjoyed the holidays immensely paired with the ridiculous amount of stress I've been internalizing for the past month left my poor skin and digestion in a mess! I decided that after Christmas and New Years I would complete my second whole 30. This time it's going to be a mess of a lot harder! Being the only one in my family to be doing it means that the foods that are restricted are all around me. However, I have such a supportive family so I haven't had a crazy hard time. 

Week 1

Day 1:

Breakfast: chicken sausage and apple! I was out of butternut squash so I substituted sweet potato. Wasn't my favorite but it was fine for that morning.

Lunch: BBQ brisket and salad. There is a place my dad wanted to take us up in Gorduonsville.  Though I really want to dig into the hush puppies and Mac n cheese all around me but I was super satisfied knowing I'd feel much better digesting my choice thank he other options. 

Snacks: carrot sticks and mini bell peppers

Dinner: roasted baby potatoes. This choice wasn't so hot. I felt very sick and had a raging headache. They were just what my nausis stomach needed. 

Day 2:

Breakfast: same as yesterday. Except this time I left out the sweet potato. I threw the sausage in the pan. Put some cut up apple on top, put the lid on and let it get happy! So tasty! 

Lunch: lemon dill salmon and stir fry vegetables. 

Snack: guacamole and plantain chips.

Dinner: Sweet potato medallions. This dinner was small because I wasn't super hungry. I sliced up some sweet potato, wiped them in some evoo, laid them on a baking sheet, sprinkled them with salt, and baked them for half an hour on 350 convect. So yum! 

Day 3:

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and sweet potato medallions. Super simple. Back to the grind stone means eating and moving! 

Snack: diced papaya

Lunch: left over salmon from yesterday and some cold balsamic green beans! My favorite! 

Dinner: spaghetti squash and pasta sauce with a side of roasted cabbage. It was some comfort food for a cold night in with my sisters and brother-in-law!

Day 4:

Breakfast: chorizo and greens frittata

Lunch: two hard boiled eggs, some left over cabbage and a mixed veggie blend I stirfried. 

Dinner: left over salmon and a salad on the go! 

Day 5:

Breakfast: frittata and sweet potatoe medalions! So yum! 

Lunch: hard boiled eggs and roasted carrots. 

Snack: key lime pie larabar

Dinner: salmon and roasted potatoes

Day 6:

Breakfast: more left over frittata, a banana, and some juice. This was my grouchy morning and I needed it. It was all compliant. 

Lunch: chicken sausage and apples. 

Dinner a mammoth salad. I loaded it up with clementines, cherry tomatoes, carrots, 5 different greens, olives, and a homemade ranch dressing and a turkey burger. 

Day 7:

Breakfast: the last of the frittata. 

Snack: chia seed, mocha, banana shake. 

Lunch: turkey burger and some guacamole

Dinner: bison burger on lettuce and green beans

I have discovered some new things this round. 
  1. I don't like salad. I am trying but I just get about half way through and just can't keep going. I don't like salad. Grumble. I want to figure out a way to realistically eat salad. I know its good for me. I LOVE vegetables and will eat just about any one of them you put before me but chop them up and put them over lettuce and I just can't even...
  2. The symptoms that you read about here are real. Very real. Sigh the struggle is so real. I can't begin to describe the grouchies I felt a few days ago...according to the list I am headed into the pants not fitting so, we will see.
  3. Food prep is KEY! The golden key! I took the morning of Monday and enjoyed some time spent chopping, roasting, and baking. It was so nice to pull out something to eat when it was time instead having to fix something every. time. 
Looking forward to next week! 

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